Thursday, November 03, 2005

Easier said than done 11/3/05

Well, as much as we've improved we still don't have everything back to "normal". Traffic as I said before is a nightmare for some, although I am not experiencing much difference in my driving route to and from work. We do have fresh veggies and fruits and dairy and meats, but the variety isn't back to normal yet.

We really shouldn't complain. The stuff we don't buy that's always available is what makes us look like we are a rich nation (to our eyes) but the fact of the matter is that just having one brand of anything is more than what lots of places in the world have. We just seem to be spoiled when "our" favorite item isn't available.

One of the ladies in my neighborhood called the Publix dairy manager to inquire if he had "Land O Lakes" butter stocked. They do, but only in 1/2 lb. quantities. Well, she was not amused at all that her butter choice was not readily available - after all it was a week since the storm had hit, why whas it taking so long?

Impatience seems to be the byproduct of hurricane recovery.

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