Thursday, September 03, 2009

"I don't recognize this country"

I am frankly sick to death of those ignorant naysayers who take every opportunity to cry in public making our elected President look like he's a cross between Che and Hitler.

They are always quoting their "rights" under the constitution, but few of them have ever read more than a "sound byte" provided by some political organization. They know they are right and they know their God given "rights".

Well, duh.

God didn't grant us these rights - our democratic republic did. If God granted them, without a doubt, every country in the world would have the same rights.

Can you tell me what's so bad about a President addressing school children and trying to encourage them to stay in school and set goals for themselves? Is it only a bad idea when a Democrat does it? Or was it equally as horrific an idea when Ronald Regan or George H. W. Bush did it?

When the Republican presidents spoke to the children did they spread partisan philosophy about education and the American way of life? How about "Just say no". Is that part of a general partisan philosophy driven home to all school aged children by the Republican administration?

I thought we'd rid ourselves of ignorance when "W" vacated the White House. I guess I was wrong, the "W" virus spread, it was not contained.

Well what did I really expect? These are the same people who were dumb enough to vot for him in the first place.

F*ck Obama
Если ты не признаёш эту страну... - зачем ты в ней живёш? (вот мне моя нравится, вед это моя родина.)
Too bad I don't read Russian
Too bad I don't read Russian

Actually, The Declaration of Independence reads,

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

So, at least our founders thought the rights were God given and that just governments protected those rights. The reason all countries do not have them is that some governments (surprise!) choose to subject their citizens to tyrannical rule.

I find it discouraging that you label anyone who voted for George Bush an "idit". I would hope for more civil discourse, and for more respect for the majority of the voting public that elected Mr. Bush.

I am not a huge fan of our former president, (I spent 18 months in Iraq due to his decisions)just as I am not a huge fan of our present president. But I do believe that we should support, pray for, and respect whatever leader we have.

Just my two cents.
Sorry you said dumb, not idiot!
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