Thursday, March 08, 2018

Don't they get it yet? It's a pattern.

OK so not every one who home schools their kids does it for the same reason. But I find it odd that many people who do are so afraid of immigrants and the teaching of "liberal" ideas that they keep their own kids ignorant of what the big picture is.

Trump doesn't want immigrants because they take jobs from American citizens. Yeah, so how many citizens do you see waiting on line for jobs in the agriculture industry?  How many American citizens are willing to spend 12 hours a day picking fruit and moving from region to region following harvests?  How many are willing to harvest the onions in Texas?  I don't see Americans storming the gates to get those "well paying" jobs.

Why? Maybe because they are low paying.

And I have recently pointed out to someone who has his son home schooled that it is unlikely that the boy will ever get into a good college, or maybe any college.  Will his home schooling provide him with the kind of education that is equal to compete with others educated in the world marketplace? Will home schooled kids be able to do the math to prepare them for jobs in engineering, archectiture, computer technology?  How about having enough science to become doctors?  If we don't prepare our own children to take these kinds of jobs then "immigrants" will be healing our sick and designing our bridges.  You know people from "shit hole" countries who actually went to schools and learned what's necessary to move up in the world.  People from Africa, the Caribbean and other countries where education is still valued.

And what about those home schooled kids? What kind of jobs can they expect? Well, maybe that's how those onions in Texas will be harvested, buy the kids who were educated at home.

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